Our corporate cousins at board game site Dicebreaker spotted references to both games at the booth of distributor Hobby Japan at the show. The sign for the Final Fantasy VII Remake “original boardgame” says it is “coming soon”, and can be seen in the photo above. There’s no other information about the project. Likewise, Chocobo’s Dungeon: The Board Game is said to be under development and “coming 2023” in the sign photographed below. Chocobos feature in Final Fantasy games as breedable mounts, although they also feature in their own spin-off series. Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon is a dungeon crawler originally released for Wii in 2007 - and although the name is generic enough that there’s no guarantee that the board game will resemble its digital forebear, it would translate to cardboard straightforwardly. At least when compared to Final Fantasy 7 Remake, at least, which seems much harder to adapt. Board game adaptations of videogames have become more popular in recent year, with everything from The Witcher to Slay The Spire releasing physical spin-offs. Square Enix have long produced a Final Fantasy trading card game and it was announced last week that a Final Fantasy deck was coming to Magic: The Gathering.