Yesterday, publisher THQ Nordic showed off some new gameplay in a meaty 9-minute trailer, but why watch that when you can watch my interview with the game’s creative director, Stefan Ljungqvist, instead? In the video below, you can hear him chat about the mutations, the combat, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. He also speaks a bit about his experience working at Avalanche Studios and the lessons he learned from working on both Just Cause and Mad Max. At one point, a real-life dog showed up during the interview. I won’t lie. It was very exciting.

If you enjoyed the interview, do please let us know in the comments. The RPS Vidbuds are always open to trying new things, and if the people like this, then perhaps we’ll do more in the future. And if you want more moving images and spoken words, you should subscribe to the RPS YouTube channel. There’s loads of that on there.