Folks were given a starting point for some new Call Of Duty teasers that took them through some secret codes and uncovered video feeds. They’ve now found that the end of the trail leads to a trailer. Spot it here with some reveals about season one content for both Warzone and Cold War. For starters, it appears that the Rebirth Island map for Warzone is in the bag. Apparently that’s where a fella named Vikhor “Stitch” Kuzmin was developing a chemical weapon named Nova 6. Both Sitch and the dangerous concoction are back to give hell to Russell Adler, one of the lads from Cold War’s campaign. It appears that Stitch will be a new operator in Cold War’s multiplayer and a new map will be set in New Jersey called the “Mall at the Pines”. Activision don’t appear to have acknowledged the find yet, but we’ll likely hear the official details about Stitch and the two new maps in short order. Season one for Cold War and Warzone was given a short delay from its original launch date. Season one will now drop on Wednesday, December 16th. While you wait, take a gander at the best loadouts and best guns in Cold War so your strats are up to scratch when Stitch shows up.