Here’s how it works: as a Dawnblade Warlock, activate your super, then immediately pop open the inventory and swap out a new weapon. Once you’re back in the game, you should start blasting out endless flaming slashes. Destiny streamer Gladd demonstrated the exploit on Friday, helping publicise the exploit. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Gladd (@GladdOnTwitch) February 7, 2020 It’s all a bit of fun when you’re burning down raid and strike bosses with ease. Unfortunately, being on the recieving end of a volcanic space wizard sounds proper miserable, and it appears some Warlocks have begun to abuse infinite Dawnblades in competitive PVP. One particularly miffed poster on the Bungie forums blasted streamers like Gladd for making the exploit public. Curiosuly, CzRSpecV - credited by Gladd for discovering the exploit - explained his reasoning for sharing the Dawnblade glitch over on the Destiny subreddit. His reckoning? Sharing the knowledge early should prevent any kind of “tight-knit group of PvP players or clans discovering it and using it to skyrocket their performance.” With Trials of Osiris rumoured to return next season, he hopes Bungie can find a fix early to prevent a disastrous PVP experience. As the Dawnblade exploit was made public at the end of day Friday, Bungie are yet to respond on the issue. Given they can’t exactly block out roughly a third of their players for choosing a busted class, I’d hope they’d be rolling in on Monday ready to squash this bug as soon as possible. Until then, you might wanna Crucible matches a miss. Unless you’re up for all-warlock sword-blasting mayhem, that is. Sounds a right riot.