EA are also shutting down the multiplayer screenshot server for ageing RPG Dragon Age: Origins this Thursday, October 20th. You’ll still be able to play Mirror’s Edge and Dragon Age: Origins offline, so no worries there. It’s only online components being trimmed away. EA say this is a necessary part of the lifecycle of their older games, where player numbers can fall to as low as “fewer than 1% of all peak online players across all EA titles”. That makes keeping online services running for those games “no longer feasible”, according to the publisher. Other publishers do this too, of course, with Ubisoft receiving some flak earlier this year for deactivating online services for some of their older games. In that case, the shutdowns would have prevented players from accessing DLC they’d bought. Ubisoft later granted a reprieve of an extra month for the games, which included older Assassin’s Creeds, the original version of Far Cry 3, and Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Their services ended at the beginning of this month. Mirror’s Edge is on Steam and the EA App for Windows for £18/$20/€20. You can read a full list of games published by EA that are marked for, or have already succumbed to, shutdown here.