Heroes builds upon the foundations laid by several of its predecessors. The game’s action-adventure elements and focus on platforming stem directly from Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, while the linear and time-trial oriented level design pays homage to the classic Sonic the Hedgehog games on the Sega Genesis. You begin by choosing one of four distinct teams – Team Sonic, Team Dark, Team Rose and Team Chaotix. Each of these has a unique storyline, with interactions with the rival teams along the way. Teams are composed of three members of distinct types: a speedster, a powerhouse and a flyer, bringing the game’s playable roster up to 12. The objective is to use the characteristic skillset of each type to traverse the environment and reach the large Goal Ring. Only by completing all four storylines and collecting the fabled 7 Chaos Emeralds in bonus levels as you progress, will you uncover all the forces in play, and be able to face the final boss (I won’t spoil a nearly 18 year old game for you). What I most love is that Heroes shines a light on the more interesting cast members of the Sonic Universe. For example, Team Chaotix features Espio the Chameleon, Vector the Crocodile and Charmy Bee, members of a Magnum-style detective agency whose story involves a mysterious stranger offering them a potentially large sum of cash. Tasks involve finding hermit crabs, defeating turtles and blowing out coloured torches. As bizarre as that all sounds by itself, they then went and made Espio the only character that can turn invisible! Team Dark’s story, meanwhile, delves into fan-favourite Shadow the Hedgehog’s search to uncover his past. Shadow is paired with international jewel thief Rouge the Bat and E-123 Omega, a rebellious Eggman robot who spends most of the game yelling ‘Annihilation!’, as he destroys his own kind. Team Rose has Big the Cat, an obtuse feline whose dopey nature is pivotal to his charm. He always has a vacant look on his face, as if he’s just about to be run over by the next Sonic Racing kart. Heroes’ soundtrack is also impeccable. Japanese-American rock band Crush 40 collaborated once again with Sega, after penning tracks on both Sonic Adventures. This time they provide the eponymous “Sonic Heroes”, the game’s opening theme, as well as “What I’m Made Of…”, the rip-roaring number played at the climactic finale where you control Super Sonic. The latter’s lyrics are belted out with unbridled verve and gusto, being paired with guitar riffs and a steady drum beat that fully summon the inner strength required for the final boss fight. This is Sonic as made in the Soulcalibur 6 character creator, and we here at RPS feel this image should not be forgotten. The bittersweet part is that I think this is the last great Sonic game. Some since have been fairly decent (Sonic Unleashed, I’m looking at you), while some have been below par at best, but Sega changed the creative direction massively after Sonic Heroes and I can’t say it was for the better. Future entries were centred more on Sonic and less on his existing squad. Games including Sonic Unleashed, Colors and Lost World introduced new characters like Chip, the Wisps and the Deadly Six, but they lacked that precise word – character. I wish Sega had just built on the universe they already had and focused on quality over quantity with characters. They even tinkered with a few of the existing ones, changing Knuckles from feisty hothead to dense airhead (perhaps out of fear of a copyright claim from X-Men’s Wolverine). Whilst I realise that a lot of my love for this game is shrouded by nostalgia, revisiting it over the last few days has reinforced my belief that this isn’t just a great Sonic game. Heroes is a solid platformer, held together by its quirky cast and ingenious level design, that still holds up after nearly 18 years. It’s a pity Sega didn’t move directly to Sonic Heroes 2.

Have You Played     Sonic Heroes  - 52