Everyone’s running from something, you say? Well, I’d hate to be running from this lad.

While our short clip there doesn’t name names, a post on the Rainbow Six subreddit leaking the pair named then as Yana and Oryx - the moon-walker and wall-smasher, respectively. For clarity’s sake, let’s keep calling them by those monikers. Siege has grown an impressive lineup of wall-smashing gadgets across the years. But Oryx, it seems, doesn’t need any fancy-schmancy tools. Leaked data (via Dextero) suggest he’ll Kool-Aid his way through soft walls. Yana, meanwhile, isn’t supernatural - even if her ghostly white hair teases otherwise. No, instead she appears to be able to send out lifelife holograms to confuse foes, else go strolling on the moon without a sweater. It’s cold out, don’tcha know? Ubisoft briefly teased the name of this year’s first operation on Monday with the phrase “look into your darkness”. Hold on - you’ve got darkness, and a lad named Oryx? You’ve not gone and done a Destiny 2 crossover, have you? For now, that’s all the info we’ve got to go on. We’ll have more to share once Ubi give us the full lowdown during the Rainbow Six Invitational this Saturday.