Seven and Michael are here in a new two-part episode called The Measure Of Morality, out today. Cryptic Studios explain: The update also brings a new ship combining Federation and Klingon technology, Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser. I played a wee bit of Star Trek Online years back (around the free-to-play switch in 2011, maybe?) and couldn’t get into it. Even by the standards of the time, the combat and questing felt woefully old. But it’s kept going all these years when so many others have shut down so it must be doing something right. Do you play? What am I missing, gang? That there Picard is alright, isn’t it? I’ll give it time to see where it goes. I’m glad to see some of the more questionable elements of the trailers have been quickly removed from the board. I do still prefer Star Trek as an anthology series rather than a serial, mind. That’s a problem for Discovery too. And I can’t help but be put off by how much Picard really is propped up by people’s fondness for Baby Yoda.