Actually, haud on - looking at the site it seems Sum was also behind that dubstep-ridden frag video disaster parody wot was going around our Uni for a solid two months. Incredible.

Anyway, his next game involves neither voxel jaywalkers nor Mountain Dew meme explosions. Instead, Tombstar is a top-down twin-stick roguelite that has your space cowboy saying “see ya” to all manner of aliens, outlaws, and death robots across a series of interstellar labyrinths. You know the drill - pick a character, blast some baddies, pick up weapons, find upgrades, die suddenly, repeat. A proven formula, but a good’un. Thing is, there are a fair few twin-stick roguelites kicking about these days. I love a good one of these, but I do really need to see more before getting excited for Tombstar. It’s been picked up by publishers No More Robots, mind, who’ve pushed games like Descenders, Nowhere Prophet and Hypnospace Outlaw - games that, at the very least, are often gunning towards interesting new ideas. If there’s a spark in Tombstar, we’ll hopefully find out once the closed beta kicks off in the coming months. Tombstar proper is set to launch on Steam next year.